

Quantity 659.00
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Quantity 659.00
Quantity 659.00
Quantity 149.00

Anthurium Clarinervium – Rare

Original price was: ₹8,800.00.Current price is: ₹2,890.00.


Selling size: Well rooted mature plant (3-5 leaves plant) | Pot Included | Free shipping

Get to Know Your Houseplant

Velvety, dark-green leaves with daringly bold veins make Anthurium clarinervium a stunning room accent. Spectacularly heart-shaped, the dramatic leaves grow about 1-ft (30 cm) wide in its native habitat, but will likely stay smaller when grown indoors.

Add your houseplant to a grouping, if you want. Whether displayed by itself or added to an indoor jungle, this dazzling beauty is sure to grab attention.

Anthurium Clarinervium Houseplant Care

Origin: Southern Mexico and Central America

Height: Up to 2-ft (60 cm)

Light: Bright light, but no direct sun. Hot, direct sunlight can cause scorch marks on the leaves that look like dry, brown patches.

Water: Water thoroughly to ensure that all the roots are watered. Remember to empty the drainage tray; Anthurium won’t tolerate soggy soil. Wait till the top couple inches of potting mix is dry before watering again. Water less often in fall and winter, but don’t allow potting medium to dry out. Yellow leaves indicate over-watering.

Humidity: This tropical native likes moderate to high humidity. If the relative humidity drops below 50%, set the plant on a humidity tray or use a cool-mist room humidifier. Don’t spray with a plant mister because the soft, thick leaves are prone to fungus. Indoor air can become extremely dry during the winter months without our noticing it. It’s a good idea to use a humidity monitor near your houseplant, rather than guess. Dry air may cause brown leaf tips.

Temperature: Average to warm (65-80°F/18-27°C). Anthurium clarinervium grows best with even temperatures year-round. Exposing it to temperatures below 60°F/10°C can cause its leaves to turn yellow. It doesn’t like drafts either; it’s a good idea to keep your Anthurium plant away from heat/AC vents.

Soil: Fast-draining, acidic potting mix is essential for this houseplant to thrive. An epiphyte in the wild, Anthurium clarinervium likes some air around its roots. Mix 1 part peat moss-based potting mix with 1 part medium-grade orchid bark. If your newly purchased plant came in a pot with all-purpose potting mix, especially if it’s wet or packed down, you’ll want to repot it right away in the peat/orchid mix I recommend here.

Fertilizer: Feed every 2 weeks in spring and summer with a balanced water-soluble fertilizer. Stop feeding in fall and winter, when growth is slower.

Propagation: Take stem cuttings and pot them separately in small pots. Or separate offsets that grow around the plant, making sure the offset has at least 2 leaves and roots attached. Spring is the best time to start new plants, when they begin their most vigorous growth.


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