Alocasia Serendipity Variegated – Rare

Plant size: Single plant | Pot Included | Free Shipping

Alocasia Serendipity Variegated

A Beginner’s Guide to Alocasia Serendipity Variegated Care | All you Need to Grow!

Family: Araceae
Common Name: African Mask, Hardy Elephant Ears
Botanical name: Alocasia Serendipity

This Alocasia is an inspiration for the next superhero’s slick bodysuit (and name)! Alocasia Serendipity has all the right lines and curves with an equally matched attitude. The large, dark glossy leaves of this confidant Elephant Ear seem to magically levitate in the air. Use your super powers to turn any space into a magical plant styling moment with Serendipity!

Important! Alocasias are poisonous if ingested, so be very careful if you have pets and/or small children.


Light is critical for all plants, but especially for Alocasia Serendipity. Bright indirect light for about six hours a day is enough to keep these houseplants healthy. Alocasia can handle lower light or fewer hours of bright indirect light, but in order for the plant to really thrive it needs plenty of bright indirect light.


Alocasia Serendipity has medium water requirements, which means they don’t like to completely dry out, but they also don’t like to sit in standing water. You want to let the soil dry out until 3/4 of the soil is dry. Alocasia Serendipity do not like to be over watered so if you are unsure about if it’s necessary to water them, it’s best to err on the side of caution and refrain from the rain head!

When you water these houseplants, saturate the soil and let the water run through the drainage holes in the pot. Well draining soil is very important for plants like Alocasia Serendipity. These houseplants simply do not tolerate wet feet.


Warmer temperatures are ideal for Alocasia houseplants. These tropical plants prefer to stay between 60-80 degrees. Avoid drafts that can occur near windows and doors and also avoid placing the plants near heating or cooling vents.


The more humidity the better for Alocasia Serendipity. These beautiful indoor plants thrive with high humidity, so placing the plant near a humidifier or using a pebble tray with water will provide the extra dampness they crave.


Proper nutrition will help your Alocasia push out big, beautiful leaves. Fertilize when the plant is actively growing during the warmer months. Use a ¼ diluted complete liquid fertilizer when watering or you can use seaweed or fish emulsion.

Alocasia Serendipity needs its beauty rest and they require a dormant period. Do not fertilize during the colder months when the plant is not growing.

Growth Rate

These indoor plants are medium-fast growers with their maximum height reaching around 3-4’ and equally as wide!

Pet Friend or Foe

These indoor plants are Toxic to pets! Foe

Pro Tips

  1. Routinely treat the plant and the soil with horticultural oil like neem oil. These houseplants are prone to pests, so taking preventative steps can keep the plant healthy and beautiful.
  2. Plants need clean leaves to effectively complete the process of photosynthesis. Gently clean the leaves using a damp cloth to not only keep the houseplant looking amazing but also to allow the Alocasia to grow to its full potential.
  3. Don’t be in a rush to repot. Alocasia likes to be slightly root bound and prefers to stay in the same pot for a while. When you notice the roots beginning to poke through the holes in the grow pot or creep out at the top of the soil then it is time to repot.


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