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Philodendron Scherberichii- Rare Plant

Original price was: ₹18,700.00.Current price is: ₹10,342.08.

1 in stock

  • Plant Size: Single Mature Plant (6 leaves)
  • Free Shipping | Pot Included

Philodendron Scherberichii Care — A Definitive Guide

Philodendron Scherberichii is known to grow in montane tropical wet forests. This plant is a herbaceous plant and is known for its characteristic evergreen leaves.

Philodendron Scherberichii is a Philodendron species named after David Scherberich. This wonderful species can be found in hardiness zones 9 to 11.

Philodendron Scherberichii Care

To care for Philodendron Scherberichii provide it with well-draining soil containing peat moss, vermiculite, or perlite. The pH should be between 5 to 6. This Philodendron grows best in bright indirect sunlight. Water once a week in winter and more frequently in summer once the soil is 90% dry. Philodendron Scherberichii thrives in temperatures between 60ᵒF to 85ᵒF (16ᵒC – 29ᵒC). Fertilize one a month during the growing season in spring and summer.


Philodendron Scherberichii is healthiest when grown in well-draining soil that also has organic matter added to it.

This plant can grow in pure peat moss. But, peat-vermiculite or peat-perlite, which are soil-less mixtures, are also alternatives you can use.

The soil used for Philodendron Scherberichii should always have a pH ranging from 5 to 6. Hence, you should know how to pH up and down in soil to get this right.


Philodendron Scherberichii is best grown in moist soil that is not overly soggy. Excessively moist soil can cause your plant’s leaves to turn yellow.

During the summer seasons, you should water your plant thrice weekly at the least. Ensure the soil’s at least 90% dry before your water your plant again.

When the winter season arrives, water the plant once weekly. Overwatering Philodendron Scherberichii can cause its roots to rot, making it need treatment.


Philodendron Scherberichii can survive under direct sunlight if it is not too intense.

This usually means that you can only keep your plant under direct sunlight early in the morning. The best option is to keep your Philodendron Scherberichii under bright, indirect sunlight.

You can provide your Philodendron Scherberichii with bright, indirect sunlight by placing it close to a south-facing window.

You should make sure that your Philodendron Scherberichii receives a good amount of sunlight.

If Philodendron Scherberichii does not receive enough sunlight, the stems and leaves begin to elongate.

If the leaves of your Philodendron Scherberichii are damaged, your plant becomes an easy target for fungus and diseases.

Injured Philodendron Scherberichii does not produce blooms either.

An excessive amount of sunlight can also cause the leaves of your Philodendron Scherberichii to burn, which can result in the leaves turning yellow or brown.


In terms of temperature, Philodendron Scherberichii thrives under 60ᵒF to 85ᵒF (16ᵒC – 29ᵒC).

Colder temperatures will damage the leaves of your Philodendron Scherberichii, causing them to become droopy.

You are recommended to keep your Philodendron Scherberichii indoors during the winter season. This will keep your plant protected against cold weather.


Philodendron Scherberichii is best kept in humidity levels ranging from 70 to 80%. This is because Philodendron Scherberichii is native to tropical wet forests where humidity levels are generally high.

When you provide your Philodendron Scherberichii with humidity, make sure that the surroundings are warm and damp.

Particular effort should be taken to make sure that your plant is not kept in cold and damp surroundings.

Cold and damp weather can cause your Philodendron Scherberichii to have an excessive amount of moisture in its surrounding.

This excessive moisture can make your Philodendron Scherberichii susceptible to fungal attacks and diseases.

The air can lack moisture during summer. To address this, you can take measures to increase the surrounding humidity levels, for example, by investing in a humidifier.

You could also place your plant on a water-filled pebble tray. Or place your plant in areas of the house where the humidity levels are generally higher, say, the bathroom or the kitchen.

If you use a pebble tray filled with water, make sure the water levels do not go down too much. This is because low water levels will not allow the humidity level to rise.



Philodendron Scherberichii needs to be provided with fertilization every month during its growing season.

Lack of or insufficient fertilization can cause its growth to slow down, leading the plant to become unhealthy.

Philodendron Scherberichii does NOT need to be fertilized every month during the fall and winter seasons.

You should fertilize your Philodendron Scherberichii only once every three months during this time.


Philodendron Scherberichii does not grow well while being rootbound. Hence, it’s crucial to know when to repot it.

For repotting, you need to make sure you place it in a bigger pot than the previous one. You will know you have to repot your Philodendron Scherberichii when:

  • The roots start appearing above the soil.
  • You can see the roots outgrowing the drainage holes.
  • The plant starts to look dull.
  • Water’s leaking out of the drainage holes.

Philodendron Scherberichii growth will be stunted if it becomes rootbound. Make sure when you repot your plant, you use thoroughly sanitized tools.


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