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Philodendron Brandtianum Wild Form- Rare

Original price was: ₹3,200.00.Current price is: ₹1,640.57.

3 in stock


2-3 leaves | Free Shipping | Pot included

Philodendron Brandtianum Light Needs

As always, indirect sunlight is ideal: as bright as possible without direct sun. So a good spot is a south facing window, but at the side, away from direct sunlight.

How Often to Water

Check the plant once a week in winter and twice a week the rest of the year, but only water it if the top half of soil is dry. When you water a philodendron do not drench it, but slowly pour water on the surface until you get a few drips from the bottom. If any water does collect in the tray or saucer underneath the plant, tip it out so the soil does not get water logged.

Tip: underwater this plant rather than overwater it, they must not sit in soggy soil as they get root rot easily. Check the soil and only water if mostly dry, and make sure you don’t leave the pot wat in any excess water.


Give it general purpose plant feed once a month in the spring and summer months to encourage growth. You don’t have to feed it, but it can grow faster and fuller if you do.


You must use well draining soil and not just normal multi-purpose compost bought from a shop as it often too heavy and retains too much water. These plants mustn’t sit in heavy waterlogged soil as they can get root rot really easily. You should should mix in some perlite to aid drainage (about a fifth of the mix should be perlite). For more on Philodendron soil see our guide on what to buy or how to make your own: Philodendron Soil.

Philodendron Brandtianum Propagation

The best way to propagate a philodendron brandtianum is with a cutting, follow these steps…

  1. Take a stem cutting with one leaf, and a branch, plus the node that it grows out of.
  2. Let the cutting heal for a couple of hours so that the wound callouses over.
  3. Then plant the cutting in sphagnum moss (you can use soil, water or leca too).
  4. Keep it moist, warm and humid for a month or so and you should see root growth. You can increase the humidity by putting it in a bigger plastic storage box with the lid half off so it gets humid but air can still circulate. Or you can use a plastic bag that is taller than the cutting and keep it slightly open.
  5. Once it starts growing foliage from the top you can pot it up and treat it as a juvenile plant.

Philodendron Brandtianum Wild Form

The philodendron brandtianum wild form aka the ‘philodendron brandtianum aff wild form’ is a larger form of the plant and tends to have a slightly different leaf pattern. The good news is that they have the same care needs, so just follow the care tips in this article.

When To Repot

I check my plant every about Easter time and pot it up a size if it needs it, then it will get the best opportunity for growth over the coming growing months.

Tip: Encourage bigger leaf growth by giving your plant a moss pole to climb up and keep humidity levels high (60% or so if you can).


50% humidity or more is ideal for a philodendron brandtianum. They’ll do well up to 60% or even 70%. I use a humidity meter, they are really cheap and you’ll easily be able to see if they get enough.


The ideal temperature for a philodendron brandtianum is 15-32°C (59-90°F), they’ll be happiest towards the middle of this range during the day. At night try to keep them above 10°C (50°F).


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