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Philodendron sp Colombia- Rare Plant



Free Shipping | Pot Included 

There is still little known about the philodendron sp Colombia, we do know It was first collected in Colombia and is still undescribed.  It is a terrestrial philodendron, meaning it grows and crawls along the forest floor.  The magnificent leaves are dark green with silvery leaf blades.

This specimen comes with 4-6 good size leaves!


Light: Philodendrons do well in a range of light conditions. They prefer moderate to bright indirect light, but can tolerate shadier lighting conditions as well. Avoid direct sunlight, prone to sunburn.

Water: Water well and let soil dry out almost completely.  Your plant will tell you when it is thirsty with dull or droopy leaves, yellowing leaves, or the soil starts to detach from the edge of the pot.

Temperature/Humidity:  Average to warm household temperatures from 18-28°C and short periods down to 12°C at an absolute push. Avoid cold draughts. Comfortable in average household humidity but will thrive in higher humidity.

Soil: We suggest planting in a chunky well draining aroid mix consisting of our orchid mix, perlite, and pumice.  You can also add in some worm castings and charcoal.

Care Tips: Most philodendrons are epiphytes and will thank you with big leaves if you provide them a moss pole to climb.  Wipe leaves with a damp cloth to remove accumulated dust.  Feed with Kelpy Plant Food or Plant Vitamins Thrive.

*Philodendrons are toxic to cats and dogs. Do not consume*

Philodendrons were part of NASA clean air study and found effective in improving indoor air quality by removing formaldehyde.




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