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1. The photo is just an example, you will get a random plant, size and shape as in the photo (more leaves or less). Of course we will choose the best plants for you, healthy plants are our priority
2. The size of the plant can be larger or smaller depending on the available stock.
3. Plant stock can suddenly be empty.
Philodendron gloriosum belongs to the Araceae family and is a terrestrial plant. It is within the Philodendron genus and is a crawling Philodendron with heartleaf shaped green velvety foliage and pale to striking white veins.By crawling we mean creeping on the ground. Its stem grows horizontally along the surface. Philodendrons are either climbers or creepers. This one is a creeper.
The plant is native to Colombia and other tropical parts of the world. Apart from Colombia, it is found in Mexico, Central America as well as Peru, Ecuador, the western parts of Brazil and Venezuela.
Well-draining soil that is rich in organic matter is your best choice when it comes to the Philodendron gloriosum. You can make use of an orchid potting mix and add in peat and perlite to lighten up the soil and create better aeration. Oxygen is very important for the roots.
A further ingredient in many aroid mixes is horticultural charcoal. It is said to sweeten the soil and to remove toxins.
One may ask why on earth a plant would appreciate having charcoal in its soil. The reason is quite simple. You should always try to imitate the natural habitat of the plant you are growing as well as possible.
Forest burn down naturally from time to time caused by wildfires. Charcoal, the product from burned down trees, is therefore present in the natural habitat of Aroids.
If the soil is dense, it may cause the roots of the Philodendron gloriosum to suffocate and might cause root rot symptoms. Read our article about how to spot and care for a plant that has root rot so you can save it before it is too late.
It is also possible to grow this plant in 100% Sphagnum moss. However, make sure to fertilize your plant from time to time as the moss will not contain any nutrients.
A soil pH level between 5-8 is best.
Philodendron gloriosum prefers bright indirect light. There is a big debate in the aroid collectors world whether shade, semi-shade or a bright spot leads to the better growing conditions for your Philodendron Gloriosum.
Based on our experience these plants grow the best close to a window with bright indirect light. Too much direct sunlight will lead to yellow leaves and will damage your plant.
It is said that in perfect conditions in nature shade is best but to be honest if you are growing a Philodendron Gloriosum you will not even come close to conditions that are perfect for your Gloriosum. Let’s therefore stick with bright indirect light.
A further effect of lots of lights we observed is bigger leaves. And Philodendron Gloriosum is all about big velvety, nicely veined leaves.
Long leggy leaves, as well as big distances between leaves, can be indicators that your plant is not getting enough light. Place your plant closer to a window but make sure that the sun rays do not touch the leaves directly
Keep the soil damp but not soggy. Philodendron gloriosum is a plant that prefers to have slightly moist soil but you should definitely not overdo it as this can lead to root rot.
Do not worry too much as this is one of the plants that might survive it if you overwater it once or twice. Drooping leaves can either be a sign of over- or underwatering.
If you overwater your plant, the roots might not be able to intake any more water. The leaves of your Philodendron Gloriosum will droop.
If you do not water sufficiently, this plant will also indicate it by dropping leaves. The best indicator will be to stick your index finger into the soil in order to know which one is the cause.
The best temperature range for a Philodendron gloriosum is 45°F to 95°F (7°C – 35°C). Night temperatures between 60°F to 70°F (16°C – 21°C) are ideal.
The plant grows in USDA hardiness zone 11 according to the United States Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones.
These plants thrive in slightly higher humidity between 60-80%. They can also take humidity of around 40-50% if they have to but it is certainly not ideal.
If the humidity is below 40% you will have to think about making use of a humidifier indoors.
The correct amount of fertilizer is key for good plant growth and bigger and bigger Gloriosum leaves. Use liquid fertilizer at half-strength monthly in spring and summer and reduce fertilization to every 8 weeks in autumn and winter.
Slow growth and small leaves might be an indicator that your plant is lacking essential nutrients.
Philodendron gloriosum is best propagated by stem cuttings. The sections between leaves can be used to grow new plants. See below for an in-depth step by step instructions on how to propagate your plants.
Philodendron gloriosum is a slow grower. It often takes more than a month from seeing a leaf spike to the plant revealing a new leaf.
The leaves of this plant cant get up to 26inches (90cm) in its natural habitat.
The Philodendron gloriosum has a rhizome that grows along the soil from where the leaves emerge.
Use a pot with drainage holes as you need a soil that is well-draining and you do not want your Philodendron gloriosum to sit in water. Drainage holes will enable excess water to drain quickly.
The best-suited pots for these plants are not round but rectangular and as long and narrow as possible. As Philodendron gloriosum is creeper it will crawl along the soil and will soon reach the end of a conventional round pot.
Once it is hanging over the edge, the plant can no longer grow roots into the soil and the leaves will become smaller again as a result of that.
When we first got our first Philodendron Gloriosum we were clueless as to what to do with the rhizome. The rhizome is the part of the stem where the leaves are emerging from.
This was our first creeper and we were unsure. Should we bury the rhizome into the soil or keep it above? At one point we even had the rhizome vertically as all our experience was based on climbing Monstera and Philodendron species.
The answer is simple. Keep it above the soil. It is supposed to be on the surface of the soil so the roots can grow into the soil. The upper half of the rhizome should remain exposed.
The problem with a buried rhizome is that it is more likely to rot if the soil stays moist. When the rhizome is not touching the ground the roots are unable to grow into the soil. So putting it horizontally or having it creep out of the pot will lead to smaller and smaller leaves.
For the best growth, the rhizome needs to stay at least partly above ground and the roots need to be able to find their way into the soil.
Stem cuttings are the way to go to propagate your Philodendron gloriosum. This plant is in our opinion easier to propagate than many of the other Philodendron and Monstera.
The biggest advantage is that if the rhizome stays on the soil and will grow roots down into the soil. Once you are taking a stem cutting from the rhizome your cutting already comes with roots in many cases. This is not the case if you are propagating a Monstera Adansonii as an example.
When leaves yellow it does not always mean that something is wrong. Old leaves yellow at a certain point in time and will die. However, if younger leaves on the plant are starting to yellow, the causes can be manifold.
Yellow leaves can be caused by direct light. This plant does not take direct sunlight very well. Too much of it will lead to yellowing leaves.
Move your Philodendron Gloriosum to a location where it gets bright indirect light and probably further away from a window it might be located.
Another reason for yellow leaves is overwatering. Provide your Philodendron with too much water and the leaves of your plant will start to yellow. This will not affect just older leaves
Reduce watering. Usually, it is the frequency that has to be reduced and not the amount. Check the soil and make sure it is only slightly moist to almost dry before watering your plant.
Check the soil mix. Is it well draining? Is water coming out of you pot within seconds when you water? If the soil stays wet and even soggy for too long, you will need to invest into a well-draining soil mix using perlite, pumice and or orchid bark.
Root rot is a cause of overwateirng and soil that is too dense and stays wet for too long. Its symptoms above the soil are stunted growth, leaves that are not unfurling and yellow leaves.
If you suspect root rot or if you spot yellow leave and are sure that it is not caused by direct sunlight, it is a good idea to check the roots. Root rot is life-threatening for your plant.
The disease will quickly move from infected roots to the rest of the roots and will also be present in the soil.
Check the roots and see if they are healthy and not mushy and soft. Often parts of the roots come off easily and they look black or brown when they are rotting.
If that is the case remove all rotting roots and cut the roots back to the still healthy parts. Then wash the roots off, change the potting mix completely and use a well-draining potting mix.
Plant pests are every indoor and outdoor gardeners nightmare! It can be so tedious to get rid of these little pesky pests. Like most other Philodendron such as the Hearleaf Philodendron, the Philodendron Selloum or the Pink Princess Philodendron, the Gloriosum is not prone to pests.
The most common pests on a Philodendron Gloriosum are:
- Spider Mites
- Aphids
- Mealybugs
- Scale
- Fungus Gnats
- Whitefly
Neem Oil
Neem oil is not cheap but it is working wonders. It is natural and you can spray it on your plants indoors. This is a big benefit as you do not have to bring your plants outdoors and you can be sure that you are not inhaling anything that is harmful in your own four walls.
There are two different types available. The pure neem oil or the already diluted one. We prefer the diluted one as you do not have to mix it again and you can spray it directly on your plants.
To use neem oil you have to spray it on your Gloriosum until all parts of the plant are completely wet. Apply it once and then repeat the process in 2-weeks time again.
This way you can be sure to also get rid of pests that might have missed your first neem oil session as they might have been still in an egg probably in the soil at that time.
Rubbing Alcohol
Very effective. Use rubbing alcohol on a cotton swab and put it on your plants leaves top and bottom as well as on the stem of your plants to get rid of any pests. Do this over the course of 2-weeks, every few days until you cannot spot any more pests or signs of pests.
Do not lose faith. As we mentioned in the beginning. Getting rid of plant pests is not an easy process and some of them might be so small that you cannot even see them with your bare eyes.
Look out for webs and plant sap that has been sucked to get insights of whether there are still plant pests present, although you can’t see them anymore. A magnifying glass might help as well.
Philodendron Gloriosum is toxic. If ingested it can lead to irritations of the throat, swallowing problems, oral pain cramps and many more. It can even lead to cramps, seizures, kidney failure and coma if ingested in vast amounts.
Therefore keep this plant away from children, cats and dogs and other pets.
These plants need a well-draining potting mix and like humid soil. Make sure to not overwater as soggy soil will lead to root rot. The light requirements for this plant are bright indirect light if you care for your Philodendron gloriosum indoors.
First things first. Check the leaves. Are they yellow? If so check the soil. Has it been wet and soggy for some time? If so chances are that the roots of your plant might be rotting. A different reason for yellow leaves could be direct sunlight. There are many other reasons why your Gloriosum might look like it is dying. Another common reason could be pests. Check the leaves, stems and the rhizome frequently for little pests.
The flower is white. It consists of a spathe and a spadix that make up the flower itself as do most of the other aroids. The spathe is covering the spadix. The flower is also called an inflorescence in botanical terms.
Philodendron Gloriosum are rather slow growers. It takes up to a month for a new leaf to emerge.
You can certainly use a grow light if you cannot put it close to a window where it gets bright indirect light.
Make sure you have a good distance between the grow light and the leaves of your plant.
A general rule of thumb is to have at least 24 inches (61cm) between the grow light and the leaves of your plant.
Otherwise, they might get burnt and if the light is too intense they could also yellow and fall off.
When talking about the light requirements we have to differentiate between indoor and outdoor care. Outdoors the Philodendron Gloriosum prefers semi-shade to shade. Indoors this plant grows best with bright indirect light.
This plant is toxic to humans, cats and dogs. It can lead to swellings in the mouth area as well as cramps and irritations. In very severe cases when ingested in high amounts it can lead to cramps, kidney failure and coma.
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