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Phalaenopsis Ps-033

Original price was: ₹850.00.Current price is: ₹645.35.

Selling size: Single plant without flower mentioned in the last picture

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This elegant plant makes a gorgeous addition to any home or office, with its long stems, dainty wing-like flowers and deep green foliage. Due to their long-lasting nature Phalaenopsis Orchids are a very popular present. Fresh cut flowers from Fig & Bloom typically last up to a week, possibly two weeks with Australian native flowers. If you want something that lasts longer then you can’t go past a graceful Phalaenopsis Orchid. Gift recipients can expect to enjoy this low maintenance plant for many months to come with only minimal maintenance. Of course, you might find you want one for yourself too!

How to care for moth orchids


  • Often orchids come planted in containers filled with chipped bark for drainage which leads to confusion on how to best water the plants. An easy method is to place the plant in a sink or tub. Run warm water over the plant, bark and aerial roots in a series of 3 or 4 drenches over a 10 minute period allowing the water to be gradually absorbed. Allow the water to drain completely before placing it on a saucer and returning it to a sunny window.
  • Aerial roots will turn from a dull silver or white to a pale green color when you have applied enough water. Under normal home temperatures waterings should not be needed more than once a week.
  • Misting an orchid usually does not provide enough moisture under indoor home growing conditions. Pebble trays placed underneath pots can increase the general humidity around plants; however don’t flood these trays or the roots will stay overly wet and may rot.
  • Low humidity and too little water will result in wrinkled leaves. Phals do not have water storage pseudobulbs as many orchids do.

Temperature and Light:

  • Phalaenopsis orchids do well under normal room temperatures with indirect light from an east or west window. During the short days in the winter they can even be moved to direct light or placed in a south window. Orchids can be placed in an interior room or on an office desk if placed under a grow light.
  • Plants receiving the proper amount of light will have light green leaves. Low light conditions produces leaves that are dark green and feel very stiff. Under very high light the leaves will develop a pink or reddish color along the margins and will appear yellow green or almost yellow.


  • Prevent bending of the flower stalk by placing a rigid, thin stake made of bamboo, wood or metal beside the stem that needs support. Push it into the growing media being careful not to damage leaves or roots. Secure the flower the stalk to the stake loosely with small plastic clips (small plastic hair clips) or plant ties.


  • Phalaenopsis orchids benefit from light fertilization, however over feeding your plants will often result in lush growth at the expense of flowers.
  • As a general rule fertilize actively growing and flowering plants every third or fourth watering with a commercial orchid fertilizer according to label directions.
  • Skip fertilization during the cooler temperatures and lower light intensity of the winter months.


  • Light exposure is important for re-flowering. The most common cause for not flowering is low light levels.
  • Move plants that are not re-flowering indoors either to a brighter window, or put them outdoors in a shady location during the summer months.
  • Another trick to get them to set buds is allowing your plants to experience cooler night temperatures in the fall before bringing them back indoors. Bring them indoors when evening temperatures dip into the fifties.
  • Since Phalaenopsis orchids have the tendency to form new flowering branches along their old flower spikes watch the old spike closely for signs of new buds after the flowers have faded and have fallen off. Or to promote re-flowering, prune yellowed or brown spikes back to about ½ inch above the second node or swelling along the spike above the foliage.
  • Cut off any old yellowed leaves or old, dried, brown flower spikes at the base of the plant.


  • Under common indoor growing conditions, the potting media should be replaced every 1-2 years before the media begins to break down.
  • Clues for repotting include: when the plant has overgrown its pot or the bark has broken down so that it looks like mulch, drains poorly, and holds too much moisture.
  • The best time to repot is when new growth has started and not necessarily after it has finished blooming.
  • Select a commercial orchid bark mix and a container with excellent drainage. Gently knock the plant out of its old pot.
  • Phalaenopsis orchids grow along the surface of flower pots sending a few roots into the bark growing medium. But if roots have attached to the pot or old bark medium then soak the plant for a long enough period that they can be gently pried off without damage or breakage. Cut off any dead, discolored, or damaged roots, and rinse away the old degraded bark from the plant.
  • Simply suspend the plant over the larger new pot and gently fill in around the bottom roots with new bark until the plant sits on top. Water the newly re-potted plant to further settle the new bark around the roots.



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