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Monstera Lechleriana Variegated- Rare

Original price was: ₹5,460.00.Current price is: ₹1,999.00.

5 in stock


Monstera Lechleriana Lighting & Position

Monstera comes from the wet forests of Mexico, so they thrive in a warm and well-lit position with lots of bright, indirect light. Keep them away from open windows, drafts and heating/cooling units as they won’t like cold drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations.


Monstera LechlerianaWatering

It’s important to keep up a regular watering routine. In summer you want to keep the soil moist but not soggy. To monitor this, you can use your finger to poke into the top 5 cm of potting mix and feel the soil moisture level before watering. If it feels wet, let it dry out for longer. Overwatering can lead to fungal issues or root rot. Try watering once a week, using just enough water to start to see some draining from the bottom of the pot. During winter, when the plant isn’t in an active growing phase you should reduce watering frequency.

With almost all plants, drainage is essential. Ensure that whatever vessel your plant is in, there are sufficient holes in the bottom to allow excess water to freely drain from the pot and away from the plant’s roots.

These tropical plants don’t do well with long periods of dryness, they won’t develop their characteristic holes if conditions are too dry or too cold. Keep monitoring them to ensure a happy balance of moisture within the soil.

Monstera Lechleriana Humidity

Monstera isn’t as fussed as some of the other aroids in terms of humidity. However, if you do begin to see signs of humidity stress (usually crisp, brown leaf edges) here are some tips for increasing humidity include grouping plants together, placing pots on a pebble tray or – if you want to go all out – buying a small humidifier online and place it in amongst your rainforest friends!

Monstera Lechleriana Fertiliser

Feed with liquid fertiliser fortnightly over the warm, growing period (spring-autumn) and not at all over the cooler winter months.


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