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Monstera Lechleriana – Rare

Original price was: ₹1,880.00.Current price is: ₹249.00.

2 in stock


Single plant (3-5 leaves) | 2.5″ Pot Included

How do you care for your Monstera lechleriana

The care and growth requirements of this tropical aroid are typical of any other Monstera. We rate them as easy to care for or low-maintenance plants.

Usually, these plants require warm and humid conditions. Also, they need bright indirect light, and well-drained, fertile soils. That is not all, you also need to know how to properly water them. Remember, they tend to be sensitive to overwatering.

Below are care and growth requirements:

1. USDA hardiness zone

The USDA hardiness zone for Monstera lechleriana is 10b to 12. Like other Monsteras, this tropical plant cannot withstand frost or freezing temperatures. People in these zones can grow their Monsteras outdoors, all year.

2. Does it have a temperature preferance?

Monstera lechleriana grows in a wide range of temperatures, usually 55 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit (12.7 to 26.7°C). Therefore, they will grow just fine in average household temperatures.

Also, they can withstand slightly higher temperatures. However, if you keep on the lower temperature side, expect them to grow slowly.

Furthermore, if grown outdoors, move them indoors when temperatures fall up to 10 degrees Fahrenheit (10°C) or below. Otherwise, they will stop growing.

Finally, these plants don’t like cold drafts as they can cause foliage yellowing. Similarly, don’t place them near heating or cooling vents. They don’t like sudden temperature swings.

3. What humidity is perfect and how to you keep it?

These aroids love warm and humid conditions, just as it is in their tropical rainforest habitat. Consequently, your M. lechleriana will need average to above average humidity, 50% or more.

Fortunately, they won’t mind average household humidity. The average household relative humidity is about 40 to 50%. But will love extra, especially if your household humidity is on the lower side.

Therefore, mist them a few times a week. Also, you can have a humidifier or pebble tray.

Another place you can have them is in your bathroom. Alternatively or place them together with other plants. These places have high humidity.

Otherwise, they may wilt, or their leaves turn yellow. Also, the leave may have brown edges and be crispy if in very low humidity.

4. Give, bright, indirect light

In their natural habitat, they receive filtered light from the tall rainforest trees canopies. They hardly get direct sunlight. This, therefore, tells you that Monstera lechleriana needs bright indirect light. But they can tolerate medium, indirect light.

Avoid low lights as it will stunt their growth. Also, it will make leaves turn yellow. If you don’t have a bright spot, have artificial grow lights.

Similarly, avoid direct sunlight as it will burn their leaves and make them pale. Usually, the leaves will have crispy brown edges and tips or look bleached. Consequently, if grown outdoors, have a greenhouse. Alternatively have a 20 to 40% shade cloth. Still, you can grow them under a shade.

Finally, while the north-facing window will guarantee indirect bright light, a window shouldn’t be a limiting factor. For instance, placing them some distance from your east, west, or south-facing window will work. Also, you can have blinds. Just ensure no direct sunlight.

5. Select a well-draining soil rich in organic matter

Like other Monsteras, these plants love fertile (nutrient-rich), moist soils. Therefore, the best Monstera lechleriana soil should be well-drained, aerated, and high in organic matter. A slightly acid to neutral potting mix works best.

Lechleriana is not fussy and will grow in soil or even soilless potting mix. An excellent one to start with is coco coir or peat moss-based potting mix with added perlite, pumice, or bark chips.

Please stay away from heavy or poorly drained potting mixes. Such soils will increase the likelihood of root rot. Also, ensure your pot has drainage holes.

6. How do you properly water your Monstera lechleriana?

How often should you water this Monstera? I know this is one question everyone asks.

Firstly, Monstera lechleriana requires medium watering – they want moist, not too wet, or dry potting mix. Therefore, you should water them when the top 1 to 2 inches of the soil dries.

Since underwatering will also affect your plant, you must know when to water. To do so, you need to feel the soil with your finger and water it when it is dry up to the first knuckle.

Alternatively, you can buy a soil moisture sensor like XLUX. It is accurate, reliable, and less messy. Who wants to touch the soil every other time?

On how often, you will water these plants after about a few days to a week during the growing – spring and summer. However, the exact duration will vary. The duration will depend on light, humidity, temperature, plant size, and so on. Therefore, we encourage that you test the potting mix.

During winter or fall, cut the watering. Water them biweekly or when the whole soil feels almost dry. Please don’t leave it to dry completely.

When watering, slowly saturate the soil with water till excess comes from the drainage hole. If any collects on a saucer, pour it away.

Finally, always look at how your plant behaves to watering. Is the potting mix always dry or wet? We recommend allowing some in-between topsoil drying.

i. Overwatered Monstera lechleriana

Soggy or always wet soil and yellowing of leaves are the two common signs of overwatered M. lechleriana. It can happen due to watering too frequently. Also, it can occur if your pot not having drainage holes. Also, poorly drained soil may be a reason.

Other signs include brown or black splotches on leaves. Moreover, the leaves dropping. Furthermore, your plant may wilt, have a mushy stem base, or a moldy potting mix.

ii. underwatered

When underwatered it will have curly leaves and dry soil. Also, the leaves will droop, turn yellow or fall. And your plant will grow slowly or even wilt.

7. Feed with a balanced fertilizer, once a month

Fertilizers will ensure your plant gets all nutrients. Feeding these plants will promote growth and lushness.

This aroid needs medium fertilizer feed. Use an all-purpose indoor plant liquid fertilizers or slow release formula for houseplant.


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