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Anthurium Reflexinervium- Rare

Original price was: ₹10,200.00.Current price is: ₹7,796.57.


Single plant(6 leaves) | Pot Included | Free shipping

Anthurium Reflexinervium Care Guide


Almost all the Anthuriums like moist, well-draining soil.

Anthurium Reflexinervium is no exception and needs excellent drainage, or else the plant suffers drastically.

To make the ideal soil mix, take one part of ground soil, perlite, and sphagnum moss.

Mix all these contents thoroughly and add a small amount of water to bind the ingredients with one another completely.

If residing in a very dry area, you can also add mulch or sawdust for extra moisture.

Please make sure that the pot you use has good drainage so that the roots are always moist but never wet.

A water-saturated plant is quick to fall prey to various infections and diseases, such as root rot and bacterial blight.


Naturally, the Anthurium Reflexinervium plant grows in tropical to subtropical regions, where it receives plenty of rainfall. Therefore, to mimic its native habitat, keeping your Reflexinervium plant hydrated at all times is necessary.

Water your Anthurium Reflexinervium plant two to three times a week, ensuring that you water it from top to bottom, focusing on the roots.

Maintain the same watering schedule throughout summers. In winters, if the weather is pretty humid, lessen the watering frequency to about twice a week.

However, please do not shy away from changing the watering frequency of the plant. Water it as needed using chlorine-free, room-temperature water, preferably.

House gardeners with access to chlorinated water only can fill buckets with tap water and keep them overnight.

Once the chlorine and other potential toxins are eliminated, you may use it normally.


The Anthuriums typically enjoy bright, dappled sunlight. The Anthurium Reflexinervium plant specifically likes more light than its fellow species.

Placing it in a sunny spot with plenty of filtered sunlight is a great idea.

I suggest placing the Anthurium Reflexinervium plant in front of the east or south-facing window; such windows offer excellent lighting conditions.

Another option is to put the plant just inside a balcony. Patios and partially covered terraces also work great. Alternatively, you can grow this beauty under artificial growing lights.

In the winters, the Anthurium Reflexinervium plant can be placed outdoors without much trouble.

However, in the summers, the light is mostly much harsher. Thus, bringing it inside is a safer option.

Although this plant has fairly tough leaves, it may undergo scorching if exposed to the sunlight for too long. Therefore, please put it in indirect sunlight only.

Moreover, if placed in a pot, rotate the Anthurium Reflexinervium plant every few days so that all parts receive their fair share of light.


Anthurium can tolerate a wide range of temperatures.

In its native environment, the Anthurium Reflexinervium plant stays in temperatures above 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15.5 degrees Celsius), night and day at all times.

To providede optimal conditions, keep the temperature between 70-90 degrees Fahrenheit (21-32 degrees Celsius).

To manipulate such settings, maintain a day temperature range of 65 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit (18.3 to 21.1 degrees Celsius) and no lower than 60 degrees Fahrenheit at night.


Anthurium Reflexinervium needs high humidity. The plant thoroughly enjoys moderate to high humidity levels in the form of liquid and gaseous vapor.

Ideally, keep the Anthurium Reflexinervium plant in moisture levels greater than 70%. Usually, 75% to 80% work exceptionally well.

Due to its excellent fair water distribution characteristics, the plant even survives humidity levels as low as 30% for a considerably long time.

However, for the healthiest growth and highest productivity, grow the plant in its desired humidity levels.

Please keep in mind not to overwater, or over-mist the plant as this will lead to problems, such as fungal infections and yellow leaves.


The Anthurium Reflexinervium plant isn’t a heavy feeder. It requires four to six feedings a year with a high-quality, balanced NPK (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium) fertilizer.

For more vigorous growth of the blooms, use high-phosphorous content feeds.

I recommend feeding the Anthurium Reflexinervium plant every three to four months with a diluted slow-release fertilizer.

Such feeds break down gradually, giving the Anthurium plenty of time to take in the micro and macro-elements.

Using a liquid fertilizer with a strength of about one-quarter to half is another option you can avail of. Read on the packaging instructions as well as the product ingredients and their respective ratios.


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